Cloud Women's Quarterly Journal

Cloud Women's Quarterly Journal ~ Fall/Winter ~ Vol. 18



Greetings all! Wishing everyone the best this new year, especially more health and joy; we all could sure use more of both of these!

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to all the contributors to Cloud Women’s Quarterly Journal over the past eight years since we began this experiment of holding space for women’s voices, art, ways of walking in nature, with their families, and in their lives. Thank you! We have curated some incredible creative writing, articles, art, photography, political commentary, recipes, and new ideas on making this world a better place. We are all so diverse; it is reflected in the work we have shared here over the years. We are diverse in age, race, class, physical and mental abilities, and the different and beautiful states of mind that Creator has blessed us with.

We — myself, and the Cloud Women’s Dream Society Council wanted to create a space for all of us to feel safe to come together to speak our truths about our lives and how we are living them. That is so hard to do in this day and age of Social Media. We are encouraged and almost forced to have personas that are not always genuine nor reflective of the realities of our lives. Our young people are encouraged to be brands instead of human beings; they are constantly bombarded by images of people striving to “make it” or “to be better,” meaning, to strike it rich by any means necessary. This constant rat race, this posing and fabricating our lives is not a natural way to live.

We here at Cloud Women’s Dream Society are dreaming of an annual or bi-annual print journal that will include beautiful art, photography, creative writing, articles, book excerpts, natural remedies, recipes, and political thought and discussion. We are dreaming of how we will make that happen and possibly be able to pay our contributors in the future. Please write to us here on the Cloud Women’s Dream Society website if you have any ideas. Also, please take the time to explore this site. Read our other offerings and our mission. Volunteer, or contribute in different ways.

In the meantime, please continue to contribute work to Cloud Women’s Dream Journal. We will be featuring women’s work here on the website and will update on the future of the in-print journal and do a formal call for submissions.

Lastly, I would like to thank our previous editors, Ty Shaw, Negara A. Kudumu, Darasia Selby-Adebisi, and our most recent editor Odilia Galván Rodríguez for all the fine work they’ve done over the past eight years.

All the best,

Jolaoso Pretty Thunder, Publisher.