Cloud Women's Quarterly Journal ~ Summer 2019


Welcome ~ Ximopanoltih!

Here we are, excited to share Cloud Women’s Quarterly Journal ~ Summer 2019 edition with you. This is our new home along with our sponsor, Cloud Women’s Dream Society, in this beautiful new website!

Older issues of the CWQJ can be found here: Cloud Women’s Quarterly Journal please do go back and read them there are some great articles, poems, stories, and recipes included in those pages.

While CWQJ is not ramming any ramparts or manning any airports we continue to speak out on issues that affect us as women and as humans on this planet, such as global warming, the rise in disappearances and deaths of Indigenous women, the inhumane detention and treatment of adults and children along our southern border here in the US and the criminalization and commandeering of women’s bodies with regard to the abortion issue, and of course the loss of civil and human rights for all POC (people of color) and LGBTQIA+.

On this 50th year anniversary of the Stonewall demonstrations in New York, which demanded humane and just treatment for the Gay community and which signaled a new era for queer communities saying loud that they were no longer going to take mistreatment by police and other thugs, we celebrate! We say be who you are. Love who you love.

Love is what this world needs more of — not hate, fear, discrimination, and abuse up to and including the death of people who are considered ‘other’ in this country. We were all born imperfectly perfect and have a right to be here.

And let’s all call for an end to family detention at the Southern Border NOW!

No more children in cages!

Happy Summer everyone, and please remember to do random acts of kindness every day.

Ma Xipactinemi, (Be Well)

The Editor

p.s. The deadline for submissions to the Fall equinox issue of CWQJ is September 20, 2019. Thanks to Redearth Productions & Cultural Work for sponsoring our submissions process. Please go there to submit work. Our issues are loosely themed on the four seasons. We accept articles, interviews, essays, poetry, short fiction and creative non-fiction, original artwork, herbal and natural remedy recipes, food recipes, and yes, political commentary on what’s happening in our world.
