A Poem By Robin Carstensen

Say it Anyway 

                           Mother toed the straight and narrow  

           while you pined for her face  

                                    gleaming at you, you,                         

                    her glistening port,     

then raised your sail  

                          for the vast green realm.  

        You’ve summoned your mother  

                                        to bear your whole life  

                          it’s her  

                    you’ve been calling  

from swollen temple  

                 to burning feet  

                             where even brown eels  

                  lay their eggs,   

build their homes  

                  among sea anemones  

                                             and turrets,  

                               and all our swashbuckling  

                    and clanging  

                            swords, our bodies shedding  

        their dutiful cells  

                         on the naked shore  

                                                    for her heavenly gaze 

                   couldn’t fill the longing  

                                                 ebb and flow  



                                 you weren’t,  

                                               she was  

                                                            a marsh 

                                                  I was 

                       a fen, there was her name  

and mine, then 

                 the wide lower course, open sea 

                  a cove and coral reefs, rain 

                           of stars, wave, crest 

             curling under, the taut  

          close, the whispering 

                                                       efferent force        

        pulling, the terrible  

            cry of gull, the say it  


                                                  I’ll never leave you 


                                                                           we clamber on 


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Robin Carstensen

Robin is Switchgrass Review Co-founder and Senior Editor. Her chapbook, In the Temple of Shining Mercy, is the recipient of an annual first-place award by Iron Horse Literary Press and was published in 2017. Poems also appear in BorderSenses, Southern Humanities Review, Voices de La Luna, Demeter Press’s anthology, Borderlands, and Crossroads: Writing the Motherland, and many more. She directs the creative writing program at Texas A&M University-CC where she also advises The Windward Review: a literary journal of the South Texas Coastal Bend.