Triolet for the Return of Spring By Andrena Zawinski

Image by giselaatje

Image by giselaatje

So much to love about it,

the again again again of it,

the breeze on pampas grass seaside.

So much to love about it

the riots of wildflowers, return of green,

the singing birds, the simple daily beat.

So much to love about it,

the again again again of it.

—appears in the author’s micro chapbook
from Origami Poems Project that nominated
it for a Pushcart Prize


Andrena Zawinski

Andrena Zawinski’s third and recently released full poetry collection is Landings. Her poems have received accolades for free verse, form, lyricism, spirituality, and social concern. She founded and runs the San Francisco Bay Area Women’s Poetry Salon.