Mother I Need By Peggy Morrison

Mother I need


Mother I need you to hear me

You are the only witness


Mother I need you to bear witness

to my childhood memories only I remember

I need to know that the golden bubble in my chest

is a real place

I find my way back

then suddenly I am

between there and now

there is a cold rain

I shiver


Mother I need you to hear me

where my battle howls                                                           


Mother I need you to free me

from the heavy weight of your optimism

your expectations

feel like my expectations

do unto others

keep everything in order

a tidy house with all the things inside


Mother I need to be free

from the heavy weight of loss

from the heavy weight of love

not  understood not entered

not matching symbols and movies where                             

they always seem to kiss, smile                                 


Mother I need the world to be easier

It is too cold.


Mother I need to rest

I need a lullaby that feels innocent

a sweet lullaby

a nap from which I awaken

fresh and calm


Mother I need eyes

I need eyes that don't flinch from the

dark colors of trash and blood                       

My eyes sting from car exhaust smell

I need to know how to find love

where there is pain


Mother I need eyes that see light within

I need your your trust

Your trust would be like ballast

hold my heart above water

hold my worn dinghy upright

in the backeddies

of this untamed sea

Peggy Morrison

Peggy Morrison is a California teacher, writer, dancer, musician, and outdoorswoman, currently living in San Francisco.