Full Moon in Aries 2020


October 1st at 2:05 PM PST marks a Full Moon at 9° of Aries. This lunation will conjunct Chiron at 7° of Aries, trine Venus (by sign) at 28° of Leo, and square (by sign) Jupiter at 18°, Pluto at 22° and Saturn at 25° of Capricorn.

Think about this lunation and its aspects in relation to the houses in your natal chart for a more personal look at how it may unfold. This is an opportune time to consider behavioral cycles that seem really ingrained and dream on forcefully bounding into new or alternate realities, timelines, and ways of being. What patterns have become stale, boring, detrimental? How can they be cleverly and courageously replaced?

Pay close attention to the people, sounds, images, colors and sensations that show up in dreams around this lunation. Notice feelings, locations, objects and symbolism. Write or record them by voice.

Massage base of skull, jaw, cheeks lower back, thighs and calves. Hydrate as much as possible and eat soothing, cooling, grounding foods, like roots, other veggies, fresh fruit and soups. Move your body in whatever ways instinctually feel good. If there is any pent up mental energy, express it through movement and exercise like martial arts, dance, swimming, running, yoga ect.

Be clear and direct about to your physical needs and desires in intimate sexual relationships. Don’t fake anything, and find plain neutral ways to express interest or disinterest in activities you enjoy, or dislike. It is unfair and wicKed to feign satisfaction. Integrity will draw authentic interactions thAt r E a l l y flow 💦✨

Spend time checking in with all of your desires. Who are you currently? If possible, find alone time to dream about self, self image and candid expression. Examine themes of trust, give and take. Where might you be overextending yourself? Giving too much? Clarify your boundaries in relationship to self and other. Notice what insecurities or painful memories surface. Non-judgementally sit with them and give them the freedom to leave or reveal more information about what personal needs must be met.

Acknowledge pain and any anger that comes with it, without necessarily trying to Resolve Anything (especially if Only time can “fix” it).

If there are actions that need to be taken in the days following this moon, don’t hesitate to execute, especially if they are honest and helpful. Have necessary conversations, end habits or relationships that you no longer desire. Honor your gut feelings and take mental note of them if no action can be taken at this time.

Notice circumstances intentionally or unintentionally getting in the way of your development and honor their purpose. Sometimes roadblocks are dams protecting us from deluges we’re not yet ready to experience. At other times these barricades are self imposed swaddles and security blankets. Either way, they exist for a reason and like anything else in this world, they cannot last forever. Dream on how the life you truly desire may look (no matter how “far fetched”) and which choices will be made when restrictions are lifted. Direct restless energy into imagining how you will creatively reach the horizon —regardless of limitations.

Avoid: self-sabotage, selfishness, arguments, succumbing to frustration, lying, pining, making excuses, codependency, excessive fear, clinginess, excessive stillness, ignoring personal feelings, obsessing over past selves, rumination, outbursts, excessive depressant/stimulant consumption

Plants: Mullein (Verbascum thapsus), Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Rose (Rosa), Apple (Malus domestica) Basil (Ocimum basilicum), Oak (Quercus), Plantain (Plantago Major), Birch (Betula), Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus), Penstemon (Penstemon barrettiae), Peach (Prunus persica), Violet (Viola odorata), Dogrose (Rosa canina), Indian Pink (Spigelia marilandica), Hawthorn (Crataegus), Geranium (Pelargonium), Deerbrush (Ceanothus integerrimus), Flax (Linum usitatissimum), Rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus), Nettles (Urtica dioica), Spignel (Meum athamanticum), Gorse (Ulex), Evening Primrose (Oenothera), Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), Madia (Madia elegans), Blackberry (Rubus), Raspberry (Rubus idaeus), Jasmine (Jasminum)